
The Tech CornerThis side comes with anything related to Tech, including the best, worst, interesting or the weirdest things I might have done in the field.
Use to see the personal side of me!

© 2021 MajAK


The Personal SideThis side is more personal including anything from life aspirations, career or simply life updates!
Use to see more about my tech side!

Feel free to reach out to me or DM me wherever you want!
Who is Kushal?

Kushal is a tech enthusiast, who is a graduate from International Institute of Information technology, Hyderabad! He hails from this small town of Vadodara. He thinks he is good at Mathemetics but is really bad. Apart from nerdy stuff, he loves basketball (is a big Kyrie fan), carelessly likes to spend his money on shoes and has developed a taste for watching competitive CSGO (NiP fan in the house). He gets as childish as one can get when it comes to NERF and the randomest toys ever, but is mature when it comes to life Ig :)

P.S. He likes using PostScripts everywhere!

What the hell is MajAK?

MajAK is something that Kushal has given to himself. His Name is actually Kushal A Majmundar, hence dumbly enough MajAK. MajAK in his mother tounge Gujarati means Kidding in some sorts, but it is hard to understand Kushal’s sense of humour. It is Broken. But now since MajAK is stuck to his brain, he tends to carry it everywhere, from acads, to corp, to accounts and in gaming too! Kushal gets funny only if your sense of humour is broken too :|

P.S. He loves emoticons!

What does Kushal do for a living?

Kushal does a 9-5 job like any other Software Engineer. He works for a so called “tech giant”. But he keeps on working on a lot of new stuff over the weekends, be it open source or research or randomest apps ever! He can get quite lazy too, doesn’t miss out on good food on weekends, but def. tries to explore as much as the field has to offer.

P.S. He is always open to collabarations if it seems interesting to him!